Superfood for Superbugs, natural medicine for toxic vaccines – Natural News offers a holistic solution

Have you heard of the new killer on the block? Let’s hear from them – the SUPERBUGS! Another uniquely fatal side effect of RoundUp – a product by our very own Big Pharma! Thanks to Mike Adams who has been covering the issue in Natural News, extensively at that – we can at least sayContinue reading “Superfood for Superbugs, natural medicine for toxic vaccines – Natural News offers a holistic solution”

Keep eating GMO and the U.S. will give you a GMO VACCINE for your GMO disease and make things worse!

Hospital nurses, doctors and even dentists have been caught re-using needles, and surgeons have been sued for leaving tools inside the body of their patients. But did you know pesticides kill more people than cigarettes and alcohol combined? Yes, it’s true. And why is that? Because you can’t “wash off” this kind of pesticide. YouContinue reading “Keep eating GMO and the U.S. will give you a GMO VACCINE for your GMO disease and make things worse!”

Organic food vs. GMO: You can either “pay the organic farmer or pay the hospital” – 11 year old boy speaks out! 500,000 YouTube views!

Mike Adams and the Natural News team share this core driven message by a brilliant young boy who tells it better than any adult has seem to be able to do this quickly, and without mincing any words. The video has over half a million views on YouTube already, and that will probably double thisContinue reading “Organic food vs. GMO: You can either “pay the organic farmer or pay the hospital” – 11 year old boy speaks out! 500,000 YouTube views!”

One blog keeps up with the EVIL-LUTION of USA food and medicine

Someone has to keep a close eye on this pioneer and master of reporting the living truth of natural news and health reports. Mike Adams has been at it for over a decade, with an on line news site with over a million followers. How does he do it? How does he write thousands andContinue reading “One blog keeps up with the EVIL-LUTION of USA food and medicine”

Heart Specialists don’t tell you this: Probiotics that target bad cholesterol may prevent cardiac problems

Experts and health scientists have always advocated for the consumption of good bacteria by eating yogurt and other fermented foods or probiotic supplements. These bacteria help maintain sound internal health especially in the gastrointestinal tract. Researchers have recently announced that a probiotic supplement can also work to prevent cardiac problems to a large extent. MitchellContinue reading “Heart Specialists don’t tell you this: Probiotics that target bad cholesterol may prevent cardiac problems”