When the grocery store shelves go bare…

Inflation is now more than obvious, and it stings. It’s just a warning sign of what’s coming, and it could get quite ugly quite soon. Remember at the beginning of the scamdemic when toilet paper flew off the shelves and you couldn’t buy more than a pack at a time? Now it’s about $20 forContinue reading “When the grocery store shelves go bare…”

2022 Brings a Balanced Mind and Body for You

The human body is fragile, but it can also be very well-equipped. Most people take their body and brain for granted. They don’t examine closely the ingredients in the food they eat, the drinks they drink, the medicine they take, and the things they allow to be injected into their blood. Most people don’t realizeContinue reading “2022 Brings a Balanced Mind and Body for You”

Smokers All Over the World End Cigarette Addiction for New Year 2015 using Natural Method called 14AndOut!

The key to quitting smoking is to replace behaviors by replenishing nutrient base – experts and testimonials reflect on latest study/course: Smokers all over the world are finding out about the success stories of people who quit smoking without medication and pulled it off for more than six months, which is the initial time periodContinue reading “Smokers All Over the World End Cigarette Addiction for New Year 2015 using Natural Method called 14AndOut!”

Get ready to quit the habit you hate!

You will stop smoking in 14 days or less with this online streaming video and comprehensive nutritional program. It only takes 60 minutes to extend your life by 10 to 20 years! When you stop smoking for good, the process is physical and emotional. There is much more to quitting than just breaking the nicotineContinue reading “Get ready to quit the habit you hate!”

Do Food Drugs have your health on hold? Reclaim it! – Heavy metal toxins in food exposed by Health Ranger

Test your level of awareness with food drugs right now. Is there arsenic in your drinking water? What about in your chicken? Are you eating lead? It’s time to find out. How much has accumulated in your body? Did you know certain foods like strawberries can capture heavy metal toxin overloads in your body andContinue reading “Do Food Drugs have your health on hold? Reclaim it! – Heavy metal toxins in food exposed by Health Ranger”

Media is playing an important role in underplaying how vaccines can cause autism!

According to Natural News, when Chili’s recently announced that they would make a one-day gesture to provide financial assistance to families devastated by autism, even that was too much for the medical mafia. Also being targeted in all this is the National Autism Association (NAA), a group that does extraordinary work helping mothers and familiesContinue reading “Media is playing an important role in underplaying how vaccines can cause autism!”

It is extremely essential that one knows about the different components of chlorella!

According to Natural News, every brand of chlorella tested at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab captures at least 93% of dietary mercury in a gastric acid digestion simulator. Most brands of chlorella captured mercury at 98% – 99% efficiency. Here are the results that Natural News has documented across several brands and manufacturers: •Continue reading “It is extremely essential that one knows about the different components of chlorella!”

“Common Core” curriculum teaches less of math and creates more of confusion in a child’s mind!

According to Natural News, mental illness is also found in the new “Common Core” curriculum, spearheaded by the federal government, which seems intentionally designed to make children mentally ill and as confused as possible. http://www.naturalnews.com/044338_Common_Core_math_education_Americas_children.html#ixzz2wDp6hX4C Case in point: See this homework assignment from an elementary school in New York. The “mathematics” exercise instructs children toContinue reading ““Common Core” curriculum teaches less of math and creates more of confusion in a child’s mind!”

If damage control is not taken immediately, then the Fukushima Daiichi power station in northern Japan can be the cause of human extinction!

According to Natural News, after the historic earthquake which created a massive tsunami that destroyed part of the Fukushima Daiichi power station in northern Japan in March 2011, causing meltdowns at three of the plant’s six nuclear reactors, a radiological disaster ensued. As part of the effort to control damage and lend assistance, President BarrackContinue reading “If damage control is not taken immediately, then the Fukushima Daiichi power station in northern Japan can be the cause of human extinction!”

The vaccination phenomenon seems to be unending; Natural News Watch reports

The United States of America is an amazing land, amazing not only because of its people and its natural wealth but, also because of its government. In spite of the fact that vaccines have killed and continue to kill a large number of children every year, the U.S government does not seem to lose affinityContinue reading “The vaccination phenomenon seems to be unending; Natural News Watch reports”